Sunday, February 21, 2010

Learning To Be Content and Patient

Learning to be content has been the thing that I have really seen I need to work majorly on. And its not just learning to be contents in certain things it is everything. There are the days where I feel very insignificant. You know, I wish I were smarter! I wish I were more athletic! I wish I were prettier! I wish I were more popular! Ect. But I need to be content and patient. In Psalm 139:14 it says,

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made….”

God never makes a mistake in what he does or makes. He made me just the way I’m suppose to be so I can fulfill perfect plan for my life. And although sometimes it’s hard to understand why God might do something or make you a certain way it for a reason and his reason was not to harm you but to prosper you. Why am I ADD or why am I dyslexic? I have no idea why and I don’t understand how either of those could help me in anyway at all. But I do know what worry and wishing will not change it. Complaining will not solve it. I need to learn to be content in every circumstance and especially to be content with who I am.

Now going back to patience. I also have been having to work on learning to be patience in waited. Valentines day was last week and I was extremely moody all week cause it just kind of was the peak of my single blues. I’m not content with not having a boy friend. Also I’m at the point in my life where I feel so very restless. I’ve finished high school and I’m ready to go be on my own make something of myself. To break free from this cage I feel is holding me captive. Like a butterfly that has just broken out of its cocoon and has dried its wings, it’s ready to fly. Yet Here I am still on the ground.

If we were to write down our entire discontentments with our lives down and than go and write down all of the blessings we have. I think we, at least for me, would begin to see how much I have to be thankful for and that I should really be content with what I already have. Than go one step farther and just look at the people around you and some of the issues they have to deal with and all of a sudden mine seen extremely insignificant and pathetic.


  1. Thanks for your post Rebecca, I found your blog from your facebook. Patience is something God is impressing on me as well. Sometimes I tell Him I simply "can't do it" anymore, stay living at home when I want to be overseas, or at least doing something that will help me in that direction (college or some such thing) but then God provides me with scripture that lets me know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me :-) Your post was refreshing, encouraging and a good reminder for me, thanks.

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