Sunday, February 21, 2010

Learning To Be Content and Patient

Learning to be content has been the thing that I have really seen I need to work majorly on. And its not just learning to be contents in certain things it is everything. There are the days where I feel very insignificant. You know, I wish I were smarter! I wish I were more athletic! I wish I were prettier! I wish I were more popular! Ect. But I need to be content and patient. In Psalm 139:14 it says,

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made….”

God never makes a mistake in what he does or makes. He made me just the way I’m suppose to be so I can fulfill perfect plan for my life. And although sometimes it’s hard to understand why God might do something or make you a certain way it for a reason and his reason was not to harm you but to prosper you. Why am I ADD or why am I dyslexic? I have no idea why and I don’t understand how either of those could help me in anyway at all. But I do know what worry and wishing will not change it. Complaining will not solve it. I need to learn to be content in every circumstance and especially to be content with who I am.

Now going back to patience. I also have been having to work on learning to be patience in waited. Valentines day was last week and I was extremely moody all week cause it just kind of was the peak of my single blues. I’m not content with not having a boy friend. Also I’m at the point in my life where I feel so very restless. I’ve finished high school and I’m ready to go be on my own make something of myself. To break free from this cage I feel is holding me captive. Like a butterfly that has just broken out of its cocoon and has dried its wings, it’s ready to fly. Yet Here I am still on the ground.

If we were to write down our entire discontentments with our lives down and than go and write down all of the blessings we have. I think we, at least for me, would begin to see how much I have to be thankful for and that I should really be content with what I already have. Than go one step farther and just look at the people around you and some of the issues they have to deal with and all of a sudden mine seen extremely insignificant and pathetic.